Friday, June 15, 2012

Powerful Home Remedies For Acne

Young skin is often prone to the occurrence of acne, on which has the influence the hormonal state, common diseases, poor skin hygiene and ignorance of any auxiliary means to care for it. Here are some home remedies for acne that can help you out.

Lemon Juice

Lemons are a citrus fruit that can help reduce pimple size and even treat it. Apply a small amount on pimple. If stinging is too much, then wash off immediately. Leave on for about twenty minutes, then rinse off.

Baking Soda 

This method  is not talked about a lot. A teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a beaker of boiling water. One should with the resulting solution to moisten cotton pads, and carefully wipe the the irritated skin. After this procedure, one should wash with for a little warm water and soap. After washing the face, to alleviate the need, one should anoint the skin with acne butter. After one hour wash the face again, but at the same time the soap is not used.


Leaves and buds of birch, attacks the leaves of a walnut - is too one of the best home remedies for acne. A small number of buds, or 2 tablespoons of birch leaves (can be dry), pour with 0.2 litre of boiling water and boil for five minutes, then close the lid and push for 20-30 minutes. The resulting broth is used to clean the problem areas of skin. The same recipe of decoction of walnut leaves.

Soap and soda for acne. A good method of getting rid of acne can be called next. Cook rubbed soap and soda. Then hold the person in the water bath for five minutes to boil water and keep the face above the steam, covering his head with a towel. After steaming the face to pour on a cotton ball or disk rubbed soap and soda and rub the mixture into the skin, gently massaging it. After a wash with lukewarm water. Such manipulation is recommended once a week. At other times need to wipe spots with pieces of ice, frozen from the juice of a lemon.

Raspberry Leaf

Crimson leaves well washed, scalded with boiling water and squeeze out the juice. Pushed out to the juice of the leaves add butter and rub the mixture until a thick creamy mass. Lubricate the resulting acne ointment at night.

In addition, you can prepare an infusion of flowers and leaves of raspberry. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of leaves and flowers, pour a glass of boiling water leave to cool. The resulting infusion to dissolve the same amount of water, but boiled and rinse the solution of this person.

Plantain acne. The good folk remedies for acne in the summer months - a juice of plantain leaves and parsley. You can wipe the spots on the leaves of plantain juice frequently throughout the day. Use parsley juice can be used frequently throughout the day; with good effect will the addition of lemon juice.

Black elderberry acne

Another folk remedy for acne is the black elderberry. Take a tbsp. of dried flowers pour 1 cup water, leave for about half an hour. Then drain and lubricate the problem areas of skin .

If you use the above-described folk remedies for acne, soon this problem will cease to bother you, and your skin will be smooth, clean, and gain a healthy color.

There you go with some how to get rid of acne tips and home remedies. 

Check with your doctor before trying any of these methods in this article and on this whole site, to make sure you are healthy enough for these.

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